Ask Michael about cleaning up your credit record or getting a collection agency to go away. Often times, collection agencies know they cannot enforce a debt but they continue to try to collect money from you anyway. There are very clearly defined rules in the California and Federal Fair Debt Collection Procedures Acts that, if violated, can even result in the collection agency paying you a penalty! If you do still owe a debt, Michael is exceptional at negotiating reduced settlements that get the matter resolved and your credit report cleaned up.
Michael can also help you with your small business contracts and disputes. Many times, it helps to have an extra set of eyes look over a problem or dispute to help you see it more clearly. Talk with Michael to get some perspective. Your first goal is to get the matter resolved as inexpensively as possible. Going to court should be a last option. Michael is very good at resolving small business and contract disputes.
Michael Troy Law is located in Santa Barbara, CA and serves clients in and around Santa Barbara, Summerland, Carpinteria, Lompoc, Ventura, Santa Barbara County, Ventura County.
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